You can contact the Safeguarding and Welfare team with any concern using the email and telephone details on the ‘Our Safeguarding and Welfare Team’ page HERE.
Alternatively, you can use the form below to send details of a safeguarding issue confidentially to our welfare email address which is monitored by our Welfare Officer.
Please note that anything you send to this email will be treated completely confidentially.
Our Welfare Contact Form
Our Grievance Procedure
The full version of our Grievance Procedure can be found HERE
Who Else Could You Contact?
If you think you or someone you know is being abused, or neglected you should tell someone you trust.
This could be a friend, a teacher, a family member, a social worker, a doctor or healthcare professional, a police officer or someone else that you trust. Ask them to help you report it.
Supporting people when concerns are raised about abuse or neglect can be very difficult and distressing for everyone involved. Deciding what’s the right thing to do can be stressful, particularly if the person you are concerned about is reluctant to accept support. If you are not sure what to do you can always seek advice.
To report a crime:
- in an emergency, contact the police, call 999
- if the person is not in immediate danger, contact the police, call 101
NSPCC – Help for adults concerned about a child. Call NSPCC on 08088005000.
Childline – Help for Children and Young People. Call Childline on 08001111.