Rolling Clinics
There are still some spaces for the rolling clinics to be held at the John Warner Sports Centre in Hoddesdon on 27th Jan, 3rd and 24th Feb for Adults (limited) and Juniors . Details and booking on WebCollect.
There are still some spaces for the rolling clinics to be held at the John Warner Sports Centre in Hoddesdon on 27th Jan, 3rd and 24th Feb for Adults (limited) and Juniors . Details and booking on WebCollect.
There are two places available for Club Members on a Core Coach Training on 23rd March, 8.30-6pm, and 24th March 8.30-4pm. This will be delivered by Jonathan Males, and the course is accredited by British Canoeing. The cost will be £225, but if you are willing to help coach Club Members, the Club will cover half the cost. Course details here: To register or ask any questions, contact Jonathan via